, R/simple_dashboard2.R
Functions to compute the data to produce a simple seasonal adjustment dashboard. `simple_dashboard2()` is a slightly variation of `simple_dashboard()` with smaller description text to include a table with last outliers.
digits = 2,
scale_var_decomp = FALSE,
remove_others_contrib = FALSE,
add_obs_to_forecast = TRUE,
td_effect = NULL
digits = 2,
scale_var_decomp = FALSE,
remove_others_contrib = FALSE,
digits_outliers = digits,
columns_outliers = c("Estimate", "T-stat"),
n_last_outliers = 4,
order_outliers = c("AO", "LS", "TC", "SO"),
add_obs_to_forecast = TRUE,
td_effect = NULL
a seasonal adjustment model made by 'RJDemetra' (object of class "SA"
number of digits used in the tables.
boolean indicating if the variance decomposition table should be rescaled to 100.
boolean indication if the "Others" contribution (i.e.: the pre-adjustment contribution) should be removed from the variance decomposition table.
Boolean indicating if the last observed values should be added to the forecast table (for the plot).
Boolean indicating if the residual trading days effect test should be printed. By default (`td_effect = NULL`) the test is only printed for monthly series.
number of digits used in the table of outliers.
informations about outliers that should be printed in the summary table. Can be either a vector of characters among `c("Estimate", "Std. Error", "T-stat", "Pr(>|t|)")`; or an vector of integer: `1` corresponding to the estimate coefficient (`"Estimate"`), `2` corresponding to the standard deviation error (`"Std. Error"`), `3` corresponding to the t-statistic (`"T-stat"`) or `4` corresponding to the p-value (`"Pr(>|t|)"`). By default only the estimate coefficients and the t-statistics are printed (`columns_outliers = c("Estimate", "T-stat")`).
number of last outliers to be printed (by default `n_last_outliers = 4`).
order of the outliers in case of several outliers at the same date.
data <- window(RJDemetra::ipi_c_eu[, "FR"], start = 2003)
sa_model <- RJDemetra::jx13(data, "RSA5c")
dashboard_data <- simple_dashboard(sa_model)
plot(dashboard_data, main = "Simple dashboard IPI - FR")
dashboard_data2 <- simple_dashboard2(sa_model)
plot(dashboard_data2, main = "Simple dashboard with outliers IPI - FR")